School bans pupils from using the toilet during lessons to crack down on fears they are vaping

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A school has banned children from using the toilet during lessons in a bid to crack down on vaping, sparking outrage among parents.

Winton Community Academy in Andover, Hampshire, claims the policy is to 'protect students from exposure to vaping'.

But concerned parents said the policy has led to their kids having accidents and potential embarrassment as girls experience their first periods.

The new rules were introduced at the start of the academic year in the hopes it would also stop bullying as well as reduce disruption to learning.

Winton Community Academy in Andover, Hampshire, (pictured) claims the policy is to 'protect students from exposure to vaping'

Winton Community Academy in Andover, Hampshire, (pictured) claims the policy is to 'protect students from exposure to vaping'

The government is attempting to crack down on vaping amid concern about children's access (stock image)

The government is attempting to crack down on vaping amid concern about children's access (stock image)

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Parent Kayleigh Gilbert, whose 11-year-old and step-son attend the school, said: 'I have gone through so many emotions and I was just really angry and upset that my kids are not being allowed to do a natural thing.

'You are told that you shouldn't hold your wee in so it is really dangerous.

'Why should my children suffer just because of some other kids wanted to vape.'

The 32-year-old has since applied for a toilet pass for her son who has autism.

Rebecca Ewen, 37, whose daughter, who has disabilities, attends the school, shared a similar view.

She said that things got so bad that she had taken her daughter out of school.

The mother has two children, aged 13 and 15, said she also asked for a toilet pass.

She said: 'It makes me feel extremely frustrated and angry because you just feel completely powerless because no matter how hard you try and tell the school they just do not seem to listen.

'It is just mortifying that my daughter would have to stand up and argue with the teachers about going to the toilet.

'Imagine as a young girl having to stand up in front of your class and talk about your period.'

Another mother-of-two, who did not want to be named, whose daughter also attends the school said the situation is 'particularly hard' for young girls who are starting their period.

Rebecca Ewen, 37, said that things got so bad that she had taken her daughter out of school

Rebecca Ewen, 37, said that things got so bad that she had taken her daughter out of school

Parent Kayleigh Gilbert has since applied for a toilet pass for her son who has autism

Parent Kayleigh Gilbert has since applied for a toilet pass for her son who has autism

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Nadejda Kurnosov, whose 13-year-old daughter attends the school, said that the situation has got so bad that her daughter has stopped drinking at school.

The 34-year-old mother of two said: 'It makes me feel very sad and I have tried to contact the school and all they say is they are going to sort it.

'My daughter has got to the point where she doesn't want to drink anything, and she comes out of school desperate to have a drink.'

It comes as the government is attempting to pass the Tobacco and Vapes Bill.

This will make it so anyone born after January 1 2009 will never be able to legally buy cigarettes.

It would also give the Government powers to tackle youth vaping, with restrictions on flavours and new rules on packaging and selling vapes.

There has been concern about children's access to vaping products, which are often flavoured like popular sweets and fizzy drinks.

A spokesperson for Winton Community Academy said: 'To be clear, students are not stopped from using the toilet between lessons, before school, or after school.

'We do have to monitor bathrooms unfortunately, due to the need to protect students from exposure to vaping.

'Also, historically toilets in schools were places where bullying might take place, so we monitor the facilities to ensure everyone's safety and wellbeing.

'Like most secondary schools across the country, we ask students to use the toilets before and after lessons to prevent disruption to their learning.

'If a child has a medical need that means they need to go in lesson time as well, they are given a pass to avoid embarrassment.

'Any child with an emergency - either desperate for the loo, or period related - is allowed to leave class and go to the toilet.

'Having listened to families' concerns, we have monitored any queuing times to use the bathroom during break times and at no time has a student had to wait longer than 30 seconds to a minute.

'Looking ahead, we will have additional toilets in our new building which will open in the summer.'